Lisa A. Neville, Ph.D.

2014 Geological Survey of Canada Natural Resources Canada, Calgary 
"Lisa Neville"
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Jiang C, Robinson R, Vandenberg R, et al. (2023) Oil contamination of sediments by freeze-drying versus air-drying for organic geochemical analysis. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Neville LA, Grasby SE, McNeil DH. (2019) Limited freshwater cap in the Eocene Arctic Ocean. Scientific Reports. 9: 4226
McNeil DH, Neville LA. (2018) On a grain of sand – a microhabitat for the opportunistic agglutinated foraminifera <i>Hemisphaerammina apta</i> n. sp., from the early Eocene Arctic Ocean Journal of Micropalaeontology. 37: 295-303
Gammon PR, Neville LA, Patterson RT, et al. (2017) A log-normal spectral analysis of inorganic grain-size distributions from a Canadian boreal lake core: Towards refining depositional process proxy data from high latitude lakes Sedimentology. 64: 609-630
Nasser NA, Patterson RT, Roe HM, et al. (2016) Lacustrine Arcellinina (Testate Amoebae) as Bioindicators of Arsenic Contamination. Microbial Ecology
Macumber AL, Patterson RT, Roe HM, et al. (2014) Autoecological approaches to resolve subjective taxonomic divisions within arcellacea. Protist. 165: 305-16
Upiter LM, Vermaire JC, Patterson RT, et al. (2014) Middle to late Holocene chironomid-inferred July temperatures for the central Northwest Territories, Canada Journal of Paleolimnology. 52: 11-26
Patterson RT, Lamoureux ED, Neville LA, et al. (2013) Arcellacea (testate lobose amoebae) as pH indicators in a pyrite mine-acidified lake, Northeastern Ontario, Canada. Microbial Ecology. 65: 541-54
Neville LA, Patterson RT, Gammon P, et al. (2013) Relationship between ecological indicators (Arcellacea), total mercury concentrations and grain size in lakes within the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta Environmental Earth Sciences. 72: 577-588
Macumber AL, Patterson RT, Neville LA, et al. (2011) A sledge microtome for high resolution subsampling of freeze cores Journal of Paleolimnology. 45: 307-310
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