Sebok Kumar Halder, PhD

"Sebok Halder"
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Halder SK, Sapkota A, Milner R. (2024) β1 integrins play a critical role maintaining vascular integrity in the hypoxic spinal cord, particularly in white matter. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 12: 45
Sapkota A, Halder SK, Milner R. (2023) Cerebral arterioles express the laminin subunits α4 and α5 in conjunction with α6β4 integrin, but strongly downregulate laminin α4 during hypoxia-induced arteriogenic remodeling. Microvascular Research. 104625
Halder SK, Milner R. (2023) Spinal Cord Blood Vessels in Aged Mice Show Greater Levels of Hypoxia-Induced Vascular Disruption and Microglial Activation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24
Halder SK, Sapkota A, Milner R. (2023) The importance of laminin at the blood-brain barrier. Neural Regeneration Research. 18: 2557-2563
Halder SK, Delorme-Walker VD, Milner R. (2023) β1 integrin is essential for blood-brain barrier integrity under stable and vascular remodelling conditions; effects differ with age. Fluids and Barriers of the Cns. 20: 52
Sapkota A, Halder SK, Milner R. (2023) Hypoxia-induced vascular remodeling responses in the brain are much more robust than other organs. Microvascular Research. 148: 104517
Halder SK, Sapkota A, Milner R. (2023) Harnessing the vasculo-protective potential of microglia. Aging. 15
Halder SK, Milner R. (2022) Exaggerated hypoxic vascular breakdown in aged brain due to reduced microglial vasculo-protection. Aging Cell. e13720
Halder SK, Sapkota A, Milner R. (2022) The impact of genetic manipulation of laminin and integrins at the blood-brain barrier. Fluids and Barriers of the Cns. 19: 50
Halder SK, Milner R. (2021) The impact of chronic mild hypoxia on cerebrovascular remodelling; uncoupling of angiogenesis and vascular breakdown. Fluids and Barriers of the Cns. 18: 50
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