Taylor Hayes

Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
"Taylor Hayes"
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Cronin DA, Hall EH, Goold JE, et al. (2019) Eye Movements in Real-World Scene Photographs: General Characteristics and Effects of Viewing Task. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2915
Hayes TR, Petrov AA. (2016) Pupil Diameter Tracks the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off during Analogical Reasoning and Explains Individual Differences in Fluid Intelligence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28: 308-18
Hayes TR, Petrov AA. (2016) Mapping and correcting the influence of gaze position on pupil size measurements. Behavior Research Methods. 48: 510-27
Hayes T, Henderson J. (2016) Eye movement patterns during scene viewing predict individual differences Journal of Vision. 16: 329
Hayes TR, Petrov AA, Sederberg PB. (2015) Do We Really Become Smarter When Our Fluid-Intelligence Test Scores Improve? Intelligence. 48: 1-14
Hayes TR, Sederberg PB, Siefke BM, et al. (2014) Pupillometry reveals role for norepinephrine in the isolation effect Journal of Vision. 14: 1142-1142
Hayes TR, Petrov AA. (2013) Pupillometry as a method for tracking shifts in control state during visual relational reasoning Journal of Vision. 13: 799-799
Hayes TR, Petrov AA. (2012) Pupil diameter changes non-monotonically with perceptual learning Journal of Vision. 12: 697-697
Hayes TR, Petrov AA, Sederberg PB. (2011) A novel method for analyzing sequential eye movements reveals strategic influence on Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices. Journal of Vision. 11: 10
Hayes T, Sederberg P, Petrov A. (2011) A new technique for the analysis of sequential eye movements Journal of Vision. 11: 501-501
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