Megan E. Speer, Ph.D.

2014-2019 Psychology Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - Newark, United States 
 2019- Psychology Columbia University, New York, NY 
emotion, memory, stress, fMRI
"Megan Speer"
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McGowan AL, Sayed F, Boyd ZM, et al. (2022) Dense Sampling Approaches for Psychiatry Research: Combining Scanners and Smartphones. Biological Psychiatry
Speer ME, Ibrahim S, Schiller D, et al. (2021) Finding positive meaning in memories of negative events adaptively updates memory. Nature Communications. 12: 6601
Speer ME, Delgado MR. (2019) The social value of positive autobiographical memory retrieval. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Speer M, Ibrahim S, Garcia V, et al. (2019) T112. Changing the Past: Finding Positive Meaning in Past Negative Events Adaptively Updates Memory Biological Psychiatry. 85: S172
Speer ME, Delgado MR. (2017) Reminiscing about positive memories buffers acute stress responses. Nature Human Behaviour. 1
Speer ME, Delgado MR. (2017) The unfairness of being prosocial. Nature Human Behaviour. 1: 711-712
Lempert KM, Speer ME, Delgado MR, et al. (2017) Positive autobiographical memory retrieval reduces temporal discounting. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Smith DV, Gseir M, Speer ME, et al. (2016) Toward a cumulative science of functional integration: A meta-analysis of psychophysiological interactions. Human Brain Mapping
Speer ME, Soldan A. (2015) Cognitive reserve modulates ERPs associated with verbal working memory in healthy younger and older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 36: 1424-34
Speer ME, Soldan A. (2015) Cognitive reserve modulates ERPs associated with verbal working memory in healthy younger and older adults Neurobiology of Aging. 36: 1424-1434
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