Catherine de Waele

UPMC Univ Paris 6, France 
"Catherine de Waele"
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Argence M, Vassias I, Kerhuel L, et al. (2008) Stimulation by cochlear implant in unilaterally deaf rats reverses the decrease of inhibitory transmission in the inferior colliculus. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 28: 1589-602
Eleore L, Ardehali MR, Vassias I, et al. (2007) Amino acid transporter (VIAAT, VGLUT2) and chloride cotransporter (KCC1, KCC2 and NKCC1) expression in the vestibular nuclei of intact and labyrinthectomized rat. Experimental Brain Research. 182: 449-58
Vassias I, Lecolle S, Vidal PP, et al. (2005) Modulation of GABA receptor subunits in rat facial motoneurons after axotomy. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 135: 260-75
Eleore L, Vassias I, Vidal PP, et al. (2005) Modulation of glycine receptor subunits and gephyrin expression in the rat facial nucleus after axotomy. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 21: 669-78
Eleore L, Vassias I, Bernat I, et al. (2005) An in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence study of GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors in the vestibular nuclei of the intact and unilaterally labyrinthectomized rat. Experimental Brain Research. 160: 166-79
Eleore L, Vassias I, Vidal PP, et al. (2004) An in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence study of glycinergic receptors and gephyrin in the vestibular nuclei of the intact and unilaterally labyrinthectomized rat. Experimental Brain Research. 154: 333-44
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