Emilie Denicolaï

Aix-Marseille University 
Glioblastomas, Heterogeneity, Treatment, Proscillaridin A, Tumor location, Cancer stem cell, A2b5, ST8Sia III
"Emilie Denicolaï"
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Dominique Figarella-Branger grad student 2015 Aix-Marseille University
 (Hétérogénéité des glioblastomes et mise en évidence de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques)
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Berges R, Denicolai E, Tchoghandjian A, et al. (2018) Proscillaridin A exerts anti-tumor effects through GSK3β activation and alteration of microtubule dynamics in glioblastoma. Cell Death & Disease. 9: 984
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Denicolaï E, Tabouret E, Colin C, et al. (2016) Molecular heterogeneity of glioblastomas: does location matter? Oncotarget. 7: 902-13
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