Saul Miller, Ph.D
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY |
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Sign in to add mentorJon K. Maner | grad student | 2006-2011 | Florida State | |
(Hormones and social affiliation: Menstrual cycle shifts in progesterone underlie women's attention to signs of social support.) |
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Makhanova A, Miller SL, Maner JK. (2015) Germs and the out-group: Chronic and situational disease concerns affect intergroup categorization Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. 9: 8-19 |
Smith A, Miller S, Bodell L, et al. (2015) Cycles of risk: Associations between menstrual cycle and suicidal ideation among women Personality and Individual Differences. 74: 35-40 |
Maner JK, Miller SL, Coyle JM, et al. (2014) Confronting Intrasexual Rivals: 2D:4D Digit Ratio Predicts Behavioral and Endocrinological Responses to Infidelity Threat Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5: 119-128 |
Maner JK, Miller SL. (2014) Hormones and social monitoring: Menstrual cycle shifts in progesterone underlie women's sensitivity to social information Evolution and Human Behavior. 35: 9-16 |
Maner JK, Miller SL. (2013) Adaptive atentional attunement: Perceptions of danger and attention to outgroup men Social Cognition. 31: 733-744 |
Maner JK, Miller SL, Moss JH, et al. (2012) Motivated social categorization: fundamental motives enhance people's sensitivity to basic social categories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 103: 70-83 |
Miller SL, Maner JK. (2012) Overperceiving disease cues: the basic cognition of the behavioral immune system. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 102: 1198-213 |
Leo JL, Miller SL, Maner JK. (2012) It's Not All Conflict: Relationship Maintenance Psychology The Oxford Handbook of Sexual Conflict in Humans. 1-24 |
Miller SL, Prokosch ML, Maner JK. (2012) Relationship maintenance and biases on the line bisection task: Attractive alternatives, asymmetrical cortical activity, and approach-avoidance motivation Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48: 566-569 |
Miller SL, Zielaskowski K, Maner JK, et al. (2012) Self-protective motivation and avoidance of heuristically threatening outgroups Evolution and Human Behavior. 33: 726-735 |