Vinay V. Parikh

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Vinay Parikh"
Mean distance: 15.17 (cluster 19)
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Kevin Taylor research assistant 2008-2012 Temple University
Avery Zucco research assistant 2008-2012 Temple University
Carcha Bernard research assistant 2010-2012 Temple University
Rashi Magan research assistant 2011-2012 Temple University
Sean X. Naughton research assistant 2010-2013 Temple University
Dawn Guzman research assistant 2011-2013 Temple University
Purav Patel research assistant 2014-2017 Temple University
Robert Cole grad student Temple University
Drew E. D'Amore grad student Temple University
Brittney Yegla grad student Temple University
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Carmon H, Haley EC, Parikh V, et al. (2023) Neuro-Immune Modulation of Cholinergic Signaling in an Addiction Vulnerability Trait. Eneuro. 10
Donovan E, Avila C, Klausner S, et al. (2022) Disrupted choline clearance and sustained acetylcholine release by a common choline transporter coding variant associated with poor attentional control in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Duggan MR, Joshi S, Strupp J, et al. (2021) Chemogenetic inhibition of prefrontal projection neurons constrains top-down control of attention in young but not aged rats. Brain Structure & Function
Yegla B, Joshi S, Strupp J, et al. (2021) Dynamic interplay of frontoparietal cholinergic innervation and cortical reorganization in the regulation of attentional capacities in aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 105: 186-198
Eck SR, Xu SJ, Telenson A, et al. (2020) Stress Regulation of Sustained Attention and the Cholinergic Attention System. Biological Psychiatry
Parikh V, Bangasser DA. (2020) Cholinergic Signaling Dynamics and Cognitive Control of Attention. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences
Goldberg LR, Zeid D, Kutlu MG, et al. (2019) Paternal nicotine enhances fear memory, reduces nicotine administration, and alters hippocampal genetic and neural function in offspring. Addiction Biology. e12859
Cole RD, Zimmerman M, Matchanova A, et al. (2019) Cognitive rigidity and BDNF-mediated frontostriatal glutamate neuroadaptations during spontaneous nicotine withdrawal. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Wickens MM, Deutschmann AU, McGrath AG, et al. (2019) Glutamate receptor interacting protein acts within the prefrontal cortex to blunt cocaine seeking. Neuropharmacology. 157: 107672
Duggan MR, Joshi S, Tan YF, et al. (2019) Transcriptomic changes in the prefrontal cortex of rats as a function of age and cognitive engagement. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 163: 107035
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