Michael K. McBeath

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Perception and Action
"Michael McBeath"
Mean distance: 16.25 (cluster 15)


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Roger Newland Shepard grad student 1985-1990 Stanford
 (Ph.D. in Psycholgy, minor in Elec.Engin.)
Mary K. Kaiser post-doc 1990-1992 NASA Ames Research Center
 (Aerospace Human Factors Research Division)


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Clifford F. Lewis grad student Kent State
Christine S-P Yu grad student
Kristopher Jake Patten grad student 2010- Arizona State
John G. Neuhoff grad student 1992-1996 Kent State
John Jewell grad student 1998 Kent State
Dennis M. Shaffer grad student 1998 Kent State
Angelique A. Scharine grad student 1998-2002 Arizona State
Shannon E. Morgan grad student 2004 Arizona State
Suzanne Khalil grad student 2005 Arizona State
Chrystal D. Oberle grad student 2005 Arizona State
Igor Dolgov grad student 2003-2009 Arizona State
Steven R. Holloway grad student 2007-2011 Arizona State
Flavio J. da Silva grad student 2013 Arizona State
Richard C Krynen grad student 2018 Arizona State
BETA: Related publications


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Yu CS, McBeath MK, Glenberg AM. (2021) The gleam-glum effect: /i:/ versus /λ/ phonemes generically carry emotional valence. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 47: 1173-1185
Holloway SR, Náñez JE, McBeath MK. (2019) Evidence Supporting Neuro-modulator Release as a Function Perceptual Learning. Journal of Vision. 19: 30
McBeath MK, Addie JD, Krynen RC. (2018) Auditory capture of visual apparent motion, both laterally and looming. Acta Psychologica. 193: 105-112
McBeath MK, Tang TY, Shaffer DM. (2018) The geometry of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition
Scharine AA, McBeath MK. (2018) Natural Regularity of Correlated Acoustic Frequency and Intensity in Music and Speech: Auditory Scene Analysis Mechanisms Account for Integrality of Pitch and Loudness Auditory Perception & Cognition. 1: 205-228
Holloway S, Náñez, Sr J, et al. (2017) Task-Irrelevant Motion-Training Improves Word Decoding in Reading Disabled Participants Journal of Vision. 17: 1076
McBeath M, Oberle C. (2017) Illusory Motion and Kinetic Poggendorff Illusions in Baseball: Baserunners and Vantage Can Bias Perception of Ground Ball Trajectories Journal of Vision. 17: 1052
Wang W, McBeath MK, Sugar TG. (2015) Optical angular constancy is maintained as a navigational control strategy when pursuing robots moving along complex pathways. Journal of Vision. 15
Wang W, McBeath MK, Sugar TG. (2015) Navigational strategy used to intercept fly balls under real-world conditions with moving visual background fields. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 77: 613-25
Holloway S, McBeath M, Van Etten K. (2015) Easter Egg Hunt Winners use Competition-Density Minimizing Foraging Strategy to “Bring Home the Bacon” (and Eggs) Journal of Vision. 15: 408
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