P. Jeanette Simpson, Ph.D.
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Mammen A, Simpson PJ, Mamman A, et al. (2004) Hippocalcin in the olfactory epithelium: a mediator of second messenger signaling. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 322: 1131-9 |
Morton DB, Simpson PJ. (2002) Cellular signaling in eclosion hormone action. Journal of Insect Physiology. 48: 1-13 |
Nighorn A, Simpson PJ, Morton DB. (2001) The novel guanylyl cyclase MsGC-I is strongly expressed in higher-order neuropils in the brain of Manduca sexta. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 204: 305-14 |
Simpson PJ, Nighorn A, Morton DB. (1999) Identification of a novel guanylyl cyclase that is related to receptor guanylyl cyclases, but lacks extracellular and transmembrane domains. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 4440-6 |
Morton DB, Simpson PJ. (1995) Eclosion hormone-stimulated cGMP levels in the central nervous system of Manduca sexta: inhibition by lipid metabolism blockers, increase in inositol(1,4,5)trisphosphate and further evidence against the involvement of nitric oxide. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. 165: 417-27 |