Harrison J. Kell

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Differential Psychology
"Harrison Kell"
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Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Stephan J. Motowidlo grad student 2006-2011 Rice University
 (Predicting Professional and Technical Performance among Medical Students: Personality, Cognitive Ability, and the Mediating Role of Knowledge.)
David Lubinski post-doc 2011-2014 Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
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Wai J, Kell HJ, Worrell FC. (2023) Method considerations for school psychology from longitudinal research on gifted students. Journal of School Psychology. 103: 101269
Kell HJ, McCabe KO, Lubinski D, et al. (2022) Wrecked by Success? Not to Worry. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916211055637
Lang JWB, Kell HJ. (2019) General mental ability and specific abilities: Their relative importance for extrinsic career success. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Beier ME, Kell HJ, Lang JWB. (2019) Commenting on the "Great Debate": General Abilities, Specific Abilities, and the Tools of the Trade. Journal of Intelligence. 7
Martin-Raugh MP, Kell HJ. (2019) A process model of situational judgment test responding Human Resource Management Review. 100731
Kell HJ. (2019) Do Teachers' Personality Traits Predict Their Performance? A Comprehensive Review of the Empirical Literature From 1990 to 2018 Ets Research Report Series. 2019: 1-27
Kell HJ, Lang JWB. (2018) The Great Debate: General Ability and Specific Abilities in the Prediction of Important Outcomes. Journal of Intelligence. 6
Kyllonen PC, Kell H. (2018) Ability Tests Measure Personality, Personality Tests Measure Ability: Disentangling Construct and Method in Evaluating the Relationship between Personality and Ability. Journal of Intelligence. 6
Kell HJ. (2018) Unifying Vocational Psychology's Trait and Social–Cognitive Approaches through the Cognitive-Affective Personality System Review of General Psychology. 22: 343-354
Kell HJ. (2018) Noncognitive proponents' conflation of “cognitive skills” and “cognition” and its implications Personality and Individual Differences. 134: 25-32
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