Robert L. Sinsheimer
Affiliations: | Biology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
molecular biologyWebsite:
"Robert L. Sinsheimer"Bio:
(1920 - 2017)
Mean distance: 8.2 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJohn Robert Loofbourow | grad student | 1948 | MIT |
Max Delbrück | research scientist | 1953 | Caltech (FlyTree) |
Sign in to add traineeDavid T. Denhardt | grad student | 1965 | Caltech |
Ellen Glowacki Strauss | grad student | 1966 | Caltech |
Regis B. Kelly | grad student | 1967 | Caltech |
James H. Strauss | grad student | 1967 | Caltech (Microtree) |
Elton T. Young | grad student | 1967 | Caltech (Microtree) |
Clyde A. Hutchison | grad student | 1968 | Caltech |
John A. Kiger | grad student | 1968 | Caltech (FlyTree) |
John Edward Newbold | grad student | 1970 | Caltech |
John W. Sedat | grad student | 1970 | Caltech |
Philip C. Hanawalt | post-doc | 1960-1961 | Caltech |
Franklin Rollin Leach | post-doc | 1965-1966 | Caltech |
Arnold Levine | post-doc | 1968 | Caltech (Neurotree) |
Lawrence B. Dumas | post-doc | 1968-1970 | Caltech (Cell Biology Tree) |
Aladar A. Szalay | post-doc | 1973-1975 | Caltech (Neurotree) |
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Sinsheimer R. (2004) Early steps on the DNA ladder--a recollection The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 40247-40251 |
Heithoff DM, Sinsheimer RL, Low DA, et al. (2000) In vivo gene expression and the adaptive response: from pathogenesis to vaccines and antimicrobials. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 355: 633-42 |
Heithoff DM, Sinsheimer RL, Low DA, et al. (1999) An essential role for DNA adenine methylation in bacterial virulence. Science (New York, N.Y.). 284: 967-70 |
Hansma HG, Laney DE, Bezanilla M, et al. (1995) Applications for atomic force microscopy of DNA. Biophysical Journal. 68: 1672-7 |
Hansma HG, Bezanilla M, Zenhausern F, et al. (1993) Atomic force microscopy of DNA in aqueous solutions. Nucleic Acids Research. 21: 505-12 |
Hansma HG, Sinsheimer RL, Groppe J, et al. (1993) Recent advances in atomic force microscopy of DNA. Scanning. 15: 296-9 |
Hansma HG, Sinsheimer RL, Li MQ, et al. (1992) Atomic force microscopy of single- and double-stranded DNA. Nucleic Acids Research. 20: 3585-90 |
Sinsheimer RL. (1991) The discovery of a single-stranded, circular DNA genome. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 13: 89-91 |
Lee Compton J, Sinsheimer RL. (1977) Aligning the φX174 genetic map and the φX174/S13 heteroduplex denaturation map Journal of Molecular Biology. 109: 217-234 |
Compton JL, Sinsheimer RL. (1977) Specific phiX174 DNA fragments as internal markers for the mapping of phiX174 DNA molecules in the electron microscope. Journal of Molecular Biology. 109: 207-16 |