Erika T. Wells

2012 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
"Erika Wells"
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Andrew B. Leber grad student 2012 UNH
 (Processes influencing visual awareness during motion-induced blindness.)
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Wells ET, Leber AB. (2014) Motion-induced blindness is influenced by global properties of the moving mask Visual Cognition. 22: 125-140
Wells E, Leber A. (2013) MIB as an adaptation phenomenon: evidence from the motion aftereffect Journal of Vision. 13: 380-380
Lechak J, Wells E, Leber A. (2012) Greater sensitivity to visual motion predicts a greater capacity to ignore it Journal of Vision. 12: 1341-1341
Wells E, Leber A. (2012) The role of adaptation in Motion-induced Blindness: Evidence from a mask coherence manipulation Journal of Vision. 12: 1229-1229
Wells ET, Leber AB, Sparrow JE. (2011) The role of mask coherence in motion-induced blindness. Perception. 40: 1503-18
Wells E, Leber A, Kuta E. (2011) Attentional Set Produces an Inhibitory Surround in Color Space Journal of Vision. 11: 93-93
Wells ET, Leber AB. (2010) Where does the mask matter? Testing a local interaction account of Motion-induced Blindness Journal of Vision. 10: 345-345
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