Tia N. Donaldson

2013-2015 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
"Tia Donaldson"
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Schaeffer EA, LaCour A, Donaldson TN, et al. (2024) Organization of spontaneous spatial behaviors under dark conditions is unaffected in adult male and female long-Evans rats after moderate prenatal alcohol exposure. Behavioral Neuroscience
Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Goncalves Garcia M, et al. (2022) Sexually dimorphic organization of open field behavior following moderate prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Pentkowski NS, Rogge-Obando KK, Donaldson TN, et al. (2021) Anxiety and Alzheimer's disease: Behavioral Analysis and Neural Basis in Rodent Models of Alzheimer's-Related Neuropathology. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Donaldson TN, Jennings KT, Cherep LA, et al. (2019) Progression and stop organization reveals conservation of movement organization during dark exploration across rats and mice. Behavioural Processes
Donaldson TN, Barto D, Bird CW, et al. (2018) Social Order: Using The Sequential Structure of Social Interaction to Discriminate Abnormal Social Behavior in the Rat. Learning and Motivation. 61: 41-51
Donaldson TN, Jennings KT, Cherep LA, et al. (2017) Antisense oligonucleotide therapy rescues disruptions in organization of exploratory movements associated with Usher syndrome type 1C in mice. Behavioural Brain Research
Blankenship PA, Cherep LA, Donaldson TN, et al. (2017) Otolith Dysfunction Alters Exploratory Movement in Mice. Behavioural Brain Research
Bird CW, Barto D, Magcalas CM, et al. (2016) Ifenprodil infusion in agranular insular cortex alters social behavior and vocalizations in rats exposed to moderate levels of ethanol during prenatal development. Behavioural Brain Research
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