Emmanuel Z. Tourinho

Pará Federal University, Belém, Pará, Brazil 
"Emmanuel Tourinho"
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Guimarães TMM, Picanço CRF, Tourinho EZ. (2019) Effects of Negative Punishment on Culturants in a Situation of Concurrence between Operant Contingencies and Metacontingencies. Perspectives On Behavior Science. 42: 733-750
Soares PFdR, Martins JCT, Guimarães TMM, et al. (2019) Effects of Continuous and Intermittent Cultural Consequences on Culturants in Metacontingency Concurrent With Operant Contingency Behavior and Social Issues. 28: 189-202
Guimarães TMM, Leite FL, de Carvalho Neto MB, et al. (2019) The Effects of Punishment in Laboratory Microcultures Behavior and Social Issues. 28: 160-173
Soares PFdR, Rocha APMC, Guimarães TMM, et al. (2018) Effects of verbal and non-verbal cultural consequences on culturants Behavior and Social Issues. 27: 31-46
Borba A, Tourinho EZ, Glenn SS. (2017) Effects of Cultural Consequences on the Interlocking Behavioral Contingencies of Ethical Self-Control The Psychological Record. 67: 399-411
Glenn SS, Malott ME, Andery MAPA, et al. (2016) Toward Consistent Terminology in a Behaviorist Approach to Cultural Analysis Behavior and Social Issues. 25: 11-27
Gomes HCdR, Tourinho EZ. (2016) Metacontingências de Autocontrole Ético: Efeitos do Aumento da Magnitude de Reforço Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa. 32
Marques NS, Tourinho EZ. (2015) The Selection of Cultural Units by Non-Contingent Cultural Events Behavior and Social Issues. 24: 126-140
Borba A, Tourinho EZ, Glenn SS. (2014) Establishing the Macrobehavior of Ethical Self-Control in an Arrangement of Macrocontingencies in Two Microcultures Behavior and Social Issues. 23: 68-86
Borba A, da Silva BR, Cabral PAdA, et al. (2014) Effects of Exposure to Macrocontingencies in Isolation and social Situations in the Production of Ethical Self-Control Behavior and Social Issues. 23: 5-19
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