Mary Helen Immordino-Yang

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
social processing, emotion, educational neuroscience
"Mary Helen Immordino-Yang"
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Yang XF, Hilliard K, Gotlieb R, et al. (2024) Transcendent thinking counteracts longitudinal effects of mid-adolescent exposure to community violence in the anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Gotlieb RJM, Yang XF, Immordino-Yang MH. (2024) Diverse adolescents' transcendent thinking predicts young adult psychosocial outcomes via brain network development. Scientific Reports. 14: 6254
Gotlieb R, Yang XF, Immordino-Yang MH. (2021) Default and Executive Networks' Roles in Diverse Adolescents' Emotionally Engaged Construals of Complex Social Issues. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Denervaud S, Fornari E, Yang XF, et al. (2020) An fMRI study of error monitoring in Montessori and traditionally-schooled children. Npj Science of Learning. 5: 11
Denervaud S, Fornari E, Yang XF, et al. (2020) An fMRI study of error monitoring in Montessori and traditionally-schooled children. Npj Science of Learning. 5: 11
Immordino-Yang MH, Darling-Hammond L, Krone CR. (2019) Nurturing Nature: How Brain Development Is Inherently Social and Emotional, and What This Means for Education Educational Psychologist. 54: 185-204
Yang XF, Pavarini G, Schnall S, et al. (2018) Looking Up to Virtue: Averting Gaze Facilitates Moral Construals Via Posteromedial Activations. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Butler O, Yang XF, Laube C, et al. (2018) Community violence exposure correlates with smaller gray matter volume and lower IQ in urban adolescents. Human Brain Mapping
Immordino-Yang MH, Yang XF. (2017) Cultural differences in the neural correlates of social-emotional feelings: an interdisciplinary, developmental perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology. 17: 34-40
Venkatraman A, Edlow BL, Immordino-Yang MH. (2017) The Brainstem in Emotion: A Review. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 11: 15
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