Lynn E. O'Connor, PhD

Wright Institute, Berkeley 
"Lynn O'Connor"
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O'Connor LE, Berry JW, Lewis T, et al. (2013) Personality, psychopathology, and the neurotransmitter attributes questionnaire (NAQ) Sage Open. 3: 1-13
Pole N, Ablon JS, O'Connor LE. (2008) Using Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral, and Control Mastery Prototypes to Predict Change: A New Look at an Old Paradigm for Long-Term Single-Case Research Journal of Counseling Psychology. 55: 221-232
Berry JW, Worthington EL, O'Connor LE, et al. (2005) Forgivingness, vengeful rumination, and affective traits. Journal of Personality. 73: 183-225
Worthington EL, Wade NG, Hight TL, et al. (2003) The Religious Commitment Inventory-10: Development, refinement, and validation of a brief scale for research and counseling Journal of Counseling Psychology. 50: 84-96
Albani C, Blaser G, Körner A, et al. (2002) The German short version of the Interpersonal Guilt Questionnaire - Validation in a population-based sample and clinical application | Der "Fragebogen zu interpersonellen Schuldgefühlen" (FIS) - Anwendung in einer repräsentativen bevölkerungsstichprobe und bei psychotherapiepatientlnnen Ppmp Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie. 52: 189-197
Pole N, Ablon JS, O'Connor L, et al. (2002) Ideal control mastery technique correlates with change in a single case Psychotherapy. 39: 88-96
Berry JW, Worthington EL, Parrott L, et al. (2001) Dispositional forgivingness: Development and construct validity of the Transgression Narrative Test of Forgivingness (TNTF) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 27: 1277-1290
O'Connor LE, Berry JW, Weiss J, et al. (2000) Survivor guilt, submissive behaviour and evolutionary theory: the down-side of winning in social comparison. The British Journal of Medical Psychology. 73: 519-30
O'Connor LE, Berry JW, Weiss J. (1999) Interpersonal guilt, shame, and psychological problems Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 18: 181-203
O'Connor LE, Berry JW, Weiss J, et al. (1997) Interpersonal guilt: the development of a new measure. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 53: 73-89
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