Maryann P. Platt, PhD

2015-2019 Neuroscience & behavior Columbia University, New York, NY 
 2019-2021 Infectious disease J. Craig Venter Institute, San Diego, CA, United States 
 2021- Physiology Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Blood-brain barrier, hibernation
"Maryann Platt"
Mean distance: 106866 (cluster 17)
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Mohr SM, Dai Pra R, Platt MP, et al. (2024) Hypothalamic hormone deficiency enables physiological anorexia in ground squirrels during hibernation. Nature Communications. 15: 5803
Mohr SM, Pra RD, Platt MP, et al. (2024) Hypothalamic hormone deficiency enables physiological anorexia. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Platt MP, Bolding KA, Wayne CR, et al. (2020) Th17 lymphocytes drive vascular and neuronal deficits in a mouse model of postinfectious autoimmune encephalitis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Platt MP, Agalliu D, Cutforth T. (2017) Hello from the Other Side: How Autoantibodies Circumvent the Blood-Brain Barrier in Autoimmune Encephalitis. Frontiers in Immunology. 8: 442
Dileepan T, Smith ED, Knowland D, et al. (2015) Group A Streptococcus intranasal infection promotes CNS infiltration by streptococcal-specific Th17 cells. The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Platt MP, Adler WT, Mehlhorn AJ, et al. (2013) Embryonic disruption of the candidate dyslexia susceptibility gene homolog Kiaa0319-like results in neuronal migration disorders. Neuroscience. 248: 585-93
Adler WT, Platt MP, Mehlhorn AJ, et al. (2013) Position of neocortical neurons transfected at different gestational ages with shRNA targeted against candidate dyslexia susceptibility genes. Plos One. 8: e65179
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