Stephan Gekle

2004-2009 Physics of Fluids University of Twente, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands 
 2017- University of Bayreuth 
"Stephan Gekle"
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Bächer C, Bender M, Gekle S. (2020) Flow-accelerated platelet biogenesis is due to an elasto-hydrodynamic instability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Müller SJ, Mirzahossein E, Iftekhar EN, et al. (2020) Flow and hydrodynamic shear stress inside a printing needle during biofabrication. Plos One. 15: e0236371
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Kurzthaler C, Hoell C, et al. (2019) Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary: Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface. Physical Review. E. 100: 032610
Bächer C, Gekle S. (2019) Computational modeling of active deformable membranes embedded in three-dimensional flows. Physical Review. E. 99: 062418
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Löwen H, Gekle S. (2018) Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity. The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter. 41: 104
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Lisicki M, Gekle S, et al. (2018) Hydrodynamic coupling and rotational mobilities near planar elastic membranes. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 149: 014901
Schlenk M, Hofmann E, Seibt S, et al. (2018) Parallel and perpendicular alignment of anisotropic particles in free liquid micro-jets and emerging micro-droplets. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
Guckenberger A, Kihm A, John T, et al. (2018) Numerical-experimental observation of shape bistability of red blood cells flowing in a microchannel. Soft Matter
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Gekle S. (2018) Brownian motion near an elastic cell membrane: A theoretical study. The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter. 41: 19
Daddi-Moussa-Ider A, Rallabandi B, Gekle S, et al. (2018) Reciprocal theorem for the prediction of the normal force induced on a particle translating parallel to an elastic membrane Physical Review Fluids. 3
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