Smiljana Mutic
Affiliations: | 2013- | University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
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Mutic S, Freiherr J, Cavazzana A, et al. (2019) The scent of the other women: Body odor-induced behavioral and physiological effects on face categorization. Physiology & Behavior. 112562 |
Rodriguez-Raecke R, Brünner YF, Kofoet A, et al. (2018) Odor Sensitivity After Intranasal Insulin Application Is Modulated by Gender. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 9: 580 |
Mutic S, Brünner YF, Rodriguez-Raecke R, et al. (2017) Chemosensory Danger Detection in the Human Brain: Body Odor Communicating Aggression Modulates Limbic System Activation. Neuropsychologia |
Brünner YF, Rodriguez-Raecke R, Mutic S, et al. (2016) Neural correlates of olfactory and visual memory performance in 3D-simulated mazes after intranasal insulin application. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Mutic S, Moellers EM, Wiesmann M, et al. (2015) Chemosensory Communication of Gender Information: Masculinity Bias in Body Odor Perception and Femininity Bias Introduced by Chemosignals During Social Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1980 |
Mutic S, Parma V, Brünner YF, et al. (2015) You Smell Dangerous: Communicating Fight Responses Through Human Chemosignals of Aggression. Chemical Senses |