Kimberly A. Rollings, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013- | Architecture | University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States |
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Cross-listing: Architecture Tree
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Wells NM, Rollings KA, Ong AD, et al. (2019) Nearby nature buffers the pain catastrophizing - pain intensity relation among urban residents with chronic pain. Frontiers in Built Environment. 5 |
Wells NM, Rollings KA, Ong AD, et al. (2019) Nearby Nature Buffers the Pain Catastrophizing–Pain Intensity Relation Among Urban Residents With Chronic Pain Frontiers in Built Environment. 5 |
Rollings KA, Evans GW. (2019) Design Moderators of Perceived Residential Crowding and Chronic Physiological Stress Among Children Environment and Behavior. 51: 590-621 |
Rollings KA, Wells NM. (2018) Cafeteria assessment for elementary schools (CAFES): development, reliability testing, and predictive validity analysis. Bmc Public Health. 18: 1154 |
Rollings KA, Wells NM, Evans GW, et al. (2017) Housing and neighborhood physical quality: Children's mental health and motivation Journal of Environmental Psychology. 50: 17-23 |
Rollings KA, Wells NM. (2016) Effects of Floor Plan Openness on Eating Behaviors Environment and Behavior. 49: 663-684 |
Rollings KA, Wells NM, Evans GW. (2015) Measuring physical neighborhood quality related to health. Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland). 5: 190-202 |
Gorman N, Lackney JA, Rollings K, et al. (2008) Designer schools: the role of school space and architecture in obesity prevention. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 15: 2521-30 |