David E. Sherwood
Affiliations: | Integrative Physiology | University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States |
"David Sherwood"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeBrian A. Enebo | grad student | 2006 | CU Boulder |
Keith R Lohse | grad student | 2007-2012 | CU Boulder |
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Sherwood DE, Lohse KR, Healy AF. (2019) The effect of an external and internal focus of attention on dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |
Hitchcock DR, Sherwood DE. (2018) Effects of Changing the Focus of Attention on Accuracy, Acceleration, and Electromyography in Dart Throwing. International Journal of Exercise Science. 11: 1120-1135 |
Sherwood DE, Lohse K, Healy A. (2017) Cognitive Load and Dual-Task Performance in Dart-Throwing Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 1-29 |
Sherwood D, Lohse K, Healy A. (2016) Direction and Relevance of the Focus of Attention in Dart Throwing With and Without Concurrent Visual Feedback Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 4: 248-261 |
Sherwood DE. (2014) Aiming accuracy in preferred and non-preferred limbs: implications for programing models of motor control. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 1236 |
Sherwood DE, Lohse KR, Healy AF. (2014) Judging joint angles and movement outcome: Shifting the focus of attention in dart-throwing. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 40: 1903-14 |
Lohse KR, Sherwood DE, Healy AF. (2014) On the advantage of an external focus of attention: a benefit to learning or performance? Human Movement Science. 33: 120-34 |
Lohse KR, Jones M, Healy AF, et al. (2014) The role of attention in motor control. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 143: 930-48 |
Scheiner LR, Sadagopan N, Sherwood DE. (2014) Effects of Blocked Versus Random Practice on Speech Motor Skill Acquisition and Retention Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 2: 29-36 |
Sherwood DE, Fosler J. (2013) Blocked and alternating variable practice and unintended spatial variations in continuous aiming movements. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 116: 611-25 |