Francoise Stutz

2003- Department of Cell Biology Université de Genève, Genève, Genève, Switzerland 
"Francoise Stutz"
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Daniel Zenklusen grad student 1998-2003
Evelina Tutucci grad student 2008-2014 University of Geneva
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Gasser SM, Stutz F. (2023) SUMO in the regulation of DNA repair and transcription at nuclear pores. Febs Letters
Novačić A, Menéndez D, Ljubas J, et al. (2022) Antisense non-coding transcription represses the PHO5 model gene at the level of promoter chromatin structure. Plos Genetics. 18: e1010432
Soudet J, Beyrouthy N, Pastucha AM, et al. (2022) Antisense-mediated repression of SAGA-dependent genes involves the HIR histone chaperone. Nucleic Acids Research
Gill JK, Maffioletti A, García-Molinero V, et al. (2020) Fine Chromatin-Driven Mechanism of Transcription Interference by Antisense Noncoding Transcription. Cell Reports. 31: 107612
Serbyn N, Noireterre A, Bagdiul I, et al. (2019) The Aspartic Protease Ddi1 Contributes to DNA-Protein Crosslink Repair in Yeast. Molecular Cell
Soudet J, Stutz F. (2019) Regulation of Gene Expression and Replication Initiation by Non-Coding Transcription: A Model Based on Reshaping Nucleosome-Depleted Regions: Influence of Pervasive Transcription on Chromatin Structure. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. e1900043
Infantino V, Stutz F. (2019) The functional complexity of the RNA-binding protein Yra1: mRNA biogenesis, genome stability and DSB repair. Current Genetics
Infantino V, Tutucci E, Yeh Martin N, et al. (2019) The mRNA export adaptor Yra1 contributes to DNA double-strand break repair through its C-box domain. Plos One. 14: e0206336
Soudet J, Gill JK, Stutz F. (2018) Noncoding transcription influences the replication initiation program through chromatin regulation. Genome Research
Gali VK, Balint E, Serbyn N, et al. (2017) Translesion synthesis DNA polymerase η exhibits a specific RNA extension activity and a transcription-associated function. Scientific Reports. 7: 13055
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