Victoria Cheung

2016-2021 Anatomy University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
sensorimotor integration
"Victoria Cheung"
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David R. Copenhagen research assistant 2014-2014 UCSF
 (Summer research training program)
Andrew D. Huberman research assistant 2012-2015 UCSD
 (Undergraduate research PI)
Evan Feinberg grad student 2016-2021 UCSF
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Cheung V, Chung P, Feinberg EH. (2022) Transcriptional profiling of mouse projection neurons with VECTORseq. Star Protocols. 3: 101625
Cheung V, Chung P, Bjorni M, et al. (2021) Virally encoded connectivity transgenic overlay RNA sequencing (VECTORseq) defines projection neurons involved in sensorimotor integration Cell Reports. 37
Cheung V, Chung P, Bjorni M, et al. (2021) Virally encoded connectivity transgenic overlay RNA sequencing (VECTORseq) defines projection neurons involved in sensorimotor integration. Cell Reports. 37: 110131
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