Andrew D Bard

King's College London, London, UK 
visual system, retinal ganglion cells, zebrafish, topography
"Andrew Bard"
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Nakahara TS, Cardozo LM, Ibarra-Soria X, et al. (2016) Detection of pup odors by non-canonical adult vomeronasal neurons expressing an odorant receptor gene is influenced by sex and parenting status. Bmc Biology. 14: 12
Leiwe MN, Hendry AC, Bard AD, et al. (2016) Geniculo-Cortical Projection Diversity Revealed within the Mouse Visual Thalamus. Plos One. 11: e0144846
Gamache B, Leist SR, Bard AD, et al. (2014) 27th International Mammalian Genome Conference meeting report. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 25: 195-201
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