Ulrich Misgeld

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Ulrich Misgeld"
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Jarolimek W, Misgeld U, Lux HD. (1990) Neurons sensitive to pH in slices of the rat ventral medulla oblongata. PflüGers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology. 416: 247-53
Sakmann B, Schrader J, Brenner B, et al. (1990) Abstract of the 68th Meeting (Spring Meeting) 6–9 March 1990, Heidelberg PflüGers Archiv. 415: R1-R119
Jarolimek W, Misgeld U, Lux HD. (1989) Activity dependent alkaline and acid transients in guinea pig hippocampal slices. Brain Research. 505: 225-32
Müller W, Misgeld U, Lux HD. (1989) gamma-Aminobutyric acid-induced ion movements in the guinea pig hippocampal slice. Brain Research. 484: 184-91
Misgeld U, Deisz RA, Dodt HU, et al. (1986) The role of chloride transport in postsynaptic inhibition of hippocampal neurons. Science (New York, N.Y.). 232: 1413-5
Ohno T, Misgeld U, Kitai ST, et al. (1975) Organization of the visual afferents into the LGd and the pulvinar of the tree shrew Tupaia glis. Brain Research. 90: 153-8
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