Guan Soon Khoo

Roanoke College 
Media psychology
"Guan Soon Khoo"
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Khoo GS, Oh J. (2023) Imagine That You Died. Would You Still Smoke?: How Death Reflection Affects Health Message Reception Through Personal Growth and Identification. Health Communication. 1-11
Oh J, Khoo GS, Lee JA, et al. (2021) Source Interactivity Enhances Sense of Community and Reduces Psychological Reactance: Effects of the Like Button on Smoking Message Evaluations and Attitudes. Journal of Health Communication. 1-13
Khoo GS, Oh J, Nah S. (2021) Staying-at-Home with Tragedy: Self-expansion Through Narratives Promotes Positive Coping with Identity Threat. Human Communication Research. 47: 309-334
Khoo GS, Ash E. (2020) Moved to Justice: The Effects of Socially Conscious Films on Social Justice Concerns Mass Communication and Society. 1-24
Khoo GS. (2017) From Terror to Transcendence: Death Reflection Promotes Preferences for Human Drama Media Psychology. 21: 719-749
Khoo GS, Graham-Engeland JE. (2016) The benefits of contemplating tragic drama on self-regulation and health. Health Promotion International. 31: 187-99
Khoo GS. (2015) Contemplating Tragedy Raises Gratifications and Fosters Self-Acceptance Human Communication Research. 42: 269-291
Khoo GS, Oliver MB. (2013) The therapeutic effects of narrative cinema through clarification: Reexamining catharsis The Scientific Study of Literature. 3: 266-293
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