Cynthia Hoffner
Affiliations: | Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States |
Media psychology/media uses & effectsGoogle:
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Sign in to add traineeMissy Plew | grad student | 2005-2011 | Georgia State |
Elizabeth L. Cohen | grad student | 2012 | Georgia State |
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Hoffner CA, Bond BJ. (2022) Parasocial relationships, social media, & well-being. Current Opinion in Psychology. 45: 101306 |
Ballard AM, Davis A, Hoffner CA. (2020) The Impact of Health Narratives on Persuasion in African American Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Health Communication. 1-12 |
Cohen EL, Myrick JG, Hoffner CA. (2020) The Effects of Celebrity Silence Breakers: Liking and Parasocial Relationship Strength Interact to Predict the Social Influence of Celebrities’ Sexual Harassment Allegations Mass Communication and Society. 24: 288-313 |
Hoffner CA. (2019) Sharing on Social Network Sites following Carrie Fisher's Death: Responses to Her Mental Health Advocacy. Health Communication. 1-12 |
Hoffner CA, Cohen EL. (2018) A comedic entertainment portrayal of obsessive–compulsive disorder: Responses by individuals with anxiety disorders. Stigma and Health. 3: 159-169 |
Hoffner CA, Cohen EL. (2017) Mental Health-Related Outcomes of Robin Williams' Death: The Role of Parasocial Relations and Media Exposure in Stigma, Help-Seeking, and Outreach. Health Communication. 1-10 |
Hoffner CA, Fujioka Y, Cohen EL, et al. (2017) Perceived media influence, mental illness, and responses to news coverage of a mass shooting. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 6: 159-173 |
Cohen EL, Hoffner C. (2016) Finding meaning in a celebrity’s death: The relationship between parasocial attachment, grief, and sharing educational health information related to Robin Williams on social network sites Computers in Human Behavior. 65: 643-650 |
Hoffner CA, Lee S. (2015) Mobile Phone Use, Emotion Regulation, and Well-Being. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 18: 411-6 |
Hoffner CA, Cohen EL. (2015) Portrayal of Mental Illness on the TV Series Monk: Presumed Influence and Consequences of Exposure. Health Communication. 30: 1046-54 |