Andrew J. Weaver

Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Media psychology
"Andrew Weaver"
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Lewis N, Weaver AJ. (2019) Social comparison-related emotional and enjoyment responses to entertainment television characters Atlantic Journal of Communication. 27: 339-353
Weaver AJ, Frampton JR. (2019) Crossing the color line: An examination of mediators and a social media intervention for racial bias in selective exposure to movies Communication Monographs. 86: 399-415
Martins N, Weaver A. (2019) The role of media exposure on relational aggression: A meta-analysis Aggression and Violent Behavior. 47: 90-99
Martins N, Weaver AJ, Lynch T. (2018) What the Public “Knows” About Media Effects Research: The Influence of News Frames on Perceived Credibility and Belief Change Journal of Communication. 68: 98-119
Prena K, Reed A, Weaver AJ, et al. (2018) Game Mechanics Matter: Differences in Video Game Conditions Influence Memory Performance Communication Research Reports. 35: 222-231
Lewis N, Weaver AJ. (2016) Emotional responses to social comparisons in reality television programming Journal of Media Psychology. 28: 65-77
Lewis N, Weaver AJ. (2015) More than a game: Sports media framing effects on attitudes, intentions, and enjoyment Communication and Sport. 3: 219-242
Hurley RJ, Jensen JJ, Weaver A, et al. (2015) Viewer Ethnicity Matters: Black Crime in TV News and Its Impact on Decisions Regarding Public Policy Journal of Social Issues. 71: 155-170
Kharroub T, Weaver AJ. (2014) Portrayals of Women in Transnational Arab Television Drama Series Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 58: 179-195
Martins N, Weaver AJ, Yeshua-Katz D, et al. (2013) A Content Analysis of Print News Coverage of Media Violence and Aggression Research Journal of Communication. 63: 1070-1087
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