Nicole Martins, Ph.D.

2008 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Mass Communications, Sociology of Education
"Nicole Martins"
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Barbara J Wilson grad student 2008 UIUC
 (You don't have to get hit to get hurt: Social aggression on television and its relationship to children's aggression in the classroom.)
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Lewis N, Norris AE, Martins N. (2020) Latina Teens' Identification with and Social Comparison to Mothers on . Mass Communication & Society. 23: 206-229
Martins N, Mares M, Malacane M, et al. (2020) Liked Characters Get a Moral Pass Young Viewers’ Evaluations of Social and Physical Aggression in Tween Sitcoms Communication Research. 47: 93650216644016
Lewis N, Norris AE, Martins N. (2020) Latina Teens’ Identification with and Social Comparison to Mothers on Teen Mom Mass Communication and Society. 23: 206-229
Martins N, King A, Beights R. (2019) Audiovisual Media Content Preferences of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Parental Interviews. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Martins N, Mares M, Nathanson AI. (2019) Mixed Messages: Inconsistent Parental Mediation Indirectly Predicts Teens’ Online Relational Aggression Journal of Family Communication. 19: 311-328
Martins N, Weaver A. (2019) The role of media exposure on relational aggression: A meta-analysis Aggression and Violent Behavior. 47: 90-99
Martins N, Weaver AJ, Lynch T. (2018) What the Public “Knows” About Media Effects Research: The Influence of News Frames on Perceived Credibility and Belief Change Journal of Communication. 68: 98-119
Rasmussen EE, Coyne SM, Martins N, et al. (2018) Parental mediation of US youths’ exposure to televised relational aggression Journal of Children and Media. 12: 192-210
Mares M, Stephenson L, Martins N, et al. (2018) A house divided: Parental disparity and conflict over media rules predict children's outcomes Computers in Human Behavior. 81: 177-188
Martins N, Matthews NL, Ratan RA. (2017) Playing by the Rules: Parental Mediation of Video Game Play: Journal of Family Issues. 38: 1215-1238
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