Elisa Brietzke, MD, PhD

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina 
bipolar disorder; mood disorders; schizophrenia; addictions
"Elisa Brietzke"
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Ceolin G, Moreira JD, Breda V, et al. (2023) Association between adiposity and emergent depressive symptoms in a 10-years prospective cohort of older adults: The EpiFloripa Aging study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 330: 198-205
Koning E, McDonald A, Bambokian A, et al. (2022) The concept of "metabolic jet lag" in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder: implications for research and clinical care. Cns Spectrums. 1-10
Koning E, Vorstman J, McIntyre RS, et al. (2022) Characterizing eating behavioral phenotypes in mood disorders: a narrative review. Psychological Medicine. 1-14
Anmella G, Faurholt-Jepsen M, Hidalgo-Mazzei D, et al. (2022) Smartphone-based interventions in bipolar disorder: systematic review and meta-analyses of efficacy. A position paper from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Big Data Task Force. Bipolar Disorders
Gabriel FC, Oliveira M, Martella BM, et al. (2022) Nutrition and bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Nutritional Neuroscience. 1-15
Warma S, Lee Y, Brietzke E, et al. (2022) Microbiome abnormalities as a possible link between diabetes mellitus and mood disorders: Pathophysiology and implications for treatment. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 137: 104640
Gomes FA, Cerqueira RO, Lee Y, et al. (2021) What not to use in bipolar disorders: a systematic review of non-recommended treatments in clinical practice guidelines. Journal of Affective Disorders
Lee Y, Lui LMW, Brietzke E, et al. (2021) Comparing mortality from covid-19 to mortality due to overdose: A micromort analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 296: 514-521
Shaw AAB, Ashby R, Gomes FA, et al. (2021) The importance of countertransference in the clinical care of individuals during acute phases of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders
Kupka R, Duffy A, Scott J, et al. (2021) Consensus on nomenclature for clinical staging models in bipolar disorder: A narrative review from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Staging Task Force. Bipolar Disorders
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