Anthony M. Limperos, Ph.D.

2011 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Mass Communications, Recreation, Multimedia Communications
"Anthony Limperos"
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Mary Beth Oliver grad student 2011 Penn State
 (Assessing the viability of mediated exercise companions in motivating future exercise intentions: an experimental investigation of traditional and advanced forms of exercise media.)
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Spencer EA, Limperos AM. (2018) ESPN’s Coverage of Intimate Partner Violence in the National Football League Communication & Sport. 8: 3-25
Holz Ivory A, Ivory JD, Wu W, et al. (2017) Harsh Words and Deeds: Systematic Content Analyses of Offensive* User Behavior in the Virtual Environments of Online First-Person Shooter Games Journal For Virtual Worlds Research. 10
Downs E, Limperos A, Strange S, et al. (2017) Fair Game: Using Simulators to Change Likelihood of Distracted Driving at the Minnesota State Fair Communication Research Reports. 35: 121-130
Limperos AM, Schmierbach M. (2016) Understanding the Relationship Between Exergame Play Experiences, Enjoyment, and Intentions for Continued Play. Games For Health Journal. 5: 100-7
Wombacher KA, Harris CJ, Buckner MM, et al. (2016) The effects of computer-mediated communication anxiety on student perceptions of instructor behaviors, perceived learning, and quiz performance Communication Education. 1-14
Eden A, Oliver MB, Tamborini R, et al. (2015) Perceptions of Moral Violations and Personality Traits Among Heroes and Villains Mass Communication and Society. 18: 186-208
Sellnow DD, Limperos A, Frisby BN, et al. (2015) Expanding the Scope of Instructional Communication Research: Looking Beyond Classroom Contexts Communication Studies. 66: 417-432
Limperos AM, Buckner MM, Kaufmann R, et al. (2015) Online teaching and technological affordances: An experimental investigation into the impact of modality and clarity on perceived and actual learning Computers and Education. 83: 1-9
Limperos A, Waddell TF, Ivory AH, et al. (2014) Psychological and Physiological Responses to Stereoscopic 3D Presentation in Handheld Digital Gaming: Comparing the Experiences of Frequent and Infrequent Game Players Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 23: 341-353
Limperos AM, Tamul DJ, Woolley JK, et al. (2014) "it's Not Who You Know, but Who You Add:" An investigation into the differential impact of friend adding and self-disclosure on interpersonal perceptions on Facebook Computers in Human Behavior. 35: 496-505
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