Xin Xie, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
psycholinguistics, language, speech, perception, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscienceGoogle:
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Mechtenberg H, Xie X, Myers EB. (2021) Sentence predictability modulates cortical response to phonetic ambiguity. Brain and Language. 218: 104959 |
Xie X, Jaeger TF. (2020) Comparing non-native and native speech: Are L2 productions more variable? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147: 3322 |
Xie X. (2019) Building talker knowledge from talker variability The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1689-1689 |
Xie X, Weatherholtz K, Bainton L, et al. (2018) Rapid adaptation to foreign-accented speech and its transfer to an unfamiliar talker. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143: 2013 |
Xie X, Earle FS, Myers EB. (2018) Sleep Facilitates Generalisation of Accent Adaptation to a New Talker. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 33: 196-210 |
Xie X, Myers E. (2017) Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus Sensitivity to Phonetic Competition in Receptive Language Processing: A Comparison of Clear and Conversational Speech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-14 |
Xie X, Myers EB. (2017) Learning a Talker or Learning an Accent: Acoustic Similarity Constrains Generalization of Foreign Accent Adaptation to New Talkers. Journal of Memory and Language. 97: 30-46 |
Xie X, Theodore RM, Myers EB. (2016) More Than a Boundary Shift: Perceptual Adaptation to Foreign-Accented Speech Reshapes the Internal Structure of Phonetic Categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |
Xie X, Earle FS, Myers EB. (2016) Sleep facilitates talker generalization of accent adaptation The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140: 3342-3342 |
Xie X, Myers E. (2015) The impact of musical training and tone language experience on talker identification. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 137: 419-32 |