Todd Levy

2016- Bioelectronic Medicine Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, USA 
"Todd Levy"
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Pasha SA, Khalid A, Levy T, et al. (2024) Machine learning to predict completion of treatment for pancreatic cancer. Journal of Surgical Oncology
Anderson E, Powell M, Yang E, et al. (2024) Factors associated with immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in autoimmune disease individuals. Jci Insight
Ho M, Levy TJ, Koulas I, et al. (2023) Longitudinal dynamic clinical phenotypes of in-hospital COVID-19 patients across three dominant virus variants in New York. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 181: 105286
Levy T, Makhnevich A, Barish M, et al. (2023) The association of clinically relevant variables with chest radiograph lung disease burden quantified in real-time by radiologists upon initial presentation in individuals hospitalized with COVID-19. Clinical Imaging. 101: 56-65
Jayaprakash N, Song W, Toth V, et al. (2023) Organ- and function-specific anatomical organization of vagal fibers supports fascicular vagus nerve stimulation. Brain Stimulation
van Klaveren D, Zanos TP, Nelson J, et al. (2022) Prognostic models for COVID-19 needed updating to warrant transportability over time and space. Bmc Medicine. 20: 456
Levy TJ, Coppa K, Cang J, et al. (2022) Development and validation of self-monitoring auto-updating prognostic models of survival for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Nature Communications. 13: 6812
Valerio V, Rampakakis E, Zanos TP, et al. (2022) High Frequency of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Canadians Immunized for Influenza: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Vaccines. 10
Debnath S, Levy TJ, Bellehsen M, et al. (2021) A method to quantify autonomic nervous system function in healthy, able-bodied individuals. Bioelectronic Medicine. 7: 13
Debnath S, Barnaby DP, Coppa K, et al. (2020) Machine learning to assist clinical decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bioelectronic Medicine. 6: 14
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