Jia Wei Zhang
Affiliations: | 2017 | Social Psychology | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
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Zhang JW, Howell RT, Januchowski JA, et al. (2022) Awe, Curiosity, and Multicultural Experience. Journal of Personality |
Zhang JW. (2020) Grateful people are happier because they have fond memories of their past Personality and Individual Differences. 152: 109602 |
Cordaro DT, Bradley C, Zhang JW, et al. (2020) The Development of the Positive Emotion Assessment of Contentment Experience (PEACE) Scale Journal of Happiness Studies. 1-22 |
Zhang JW, Chen S, Tomova TK. (2019) From Me to You: Self-Compassion Predicts Acceptance of Own and Others' Imperfections. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219853846 |
Zhang JW, Chen S, Tomova TK, et al. (2019) A Compassionate Self Is a True Self? Self-Compassion Promotes Subjective Authenticity. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167218820914 |
Yaden DB, Kaufman SB, Hyde E, et al. (2018) The development of the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S): A multifactorial measure for a complex emotion The Journal of Positive Psychology. 14: 474-488 |
Zhang JW, Chen S. (2017) Self-compassion promotes positive adjustment for people who attribute responsibility of a romantic breakup to themselves Self and Identity. 16: 732-759 |
Razavi P, Zhang JW, Hekiert D, et al. (2016) Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in the Experience of Awe. Emotion (Washington, D.C.) |
Zhang JW, Chen S. (2016) Self-Compassion Promotes Personal Improvement From Regret Experiences via Acceptance. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 42: 244-58 |
Mello ZR, Zhang JW, Barber SJ, et al. (2016) Psychometric properties of time attitude scores in young, middle, and older adult samples Personality and Individual Differences. 101: 57-61 |