Dongjun Koo

Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea 
"Dongjun Koo"
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Pac J, Koo DJ, Cho H, et al. (2022) Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of pathological tissue samples with de novo generation of citrate-based fluorophores. Science Advances. 8: eadd9419
Ahn J, Kim DH, Koo DJ, et al. (2022) 3D microengineered vascularized tumor spheroids for drug delivery and efficacy testing. Acta Biomaterialia
Jung S, Lee M, Kim DY, et al. (2021) A forebrain neural substrate for behavioral thermoregulation. Neuron
Cho AN, Jin Y, An Y, et al. (2021) Microfluidic device with brain extracellular matrix promotes structural and functional maturation of human brain organoids. Nature Communications. 12: 4730
Lee S, Kim S, Koo DJ, et al. (2020) 3D Microfluidic Platform and Tumor Vascular Mapping for Evaluating Anti-Angiogenic RNAi-Based Nanomedicine. Acs Nano
Koo DJ, Choi J, Ahn M, et al. (2020) Large-scale 3D optical mapping and quantitative analysis of nanoparticle distribution in tumor vascular microenvironment. Bioconjugate Chemistry
Ryu H, Jung S, Lee M, et al. (2019) A hypothalamic circuit for behavioral thermoregulation Ibro Reports. 6
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