Anna Lindqvist

Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden 
"Anna Lindqvist"
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Gustafsson Sendén M, Renström E, Lindqvist A. (2021) Pronouns Beyond the Binary: The Change of Attitudes and Use Over Time Gender & Society. 35: 588-615
Morgenroth T, Sendén MG, Lindqvist A, et al. (2020) Defending the Sex/Gender Binary : The Role of Gender Identification and Need for Closure Social Psychological and Personality Science. 194855062093718
Lindqvist A, Sendén MG, Renström EA. (2020) What is gender, anyway: a review of the options for operationalising gender Psychology and Sexuality. 1-13
Vergoossen HP, Renström EA, Lindqvist A, et al. (2020) Four Dimensions of Criticism Against Gender-Fair Language Sex Roles. 83: 1-10
Gustafsson Sendén M, Klysing A, Lindqvist A, et al. (2019) The (Not So) Changing Man: Dynamic Gender Stereotypes in Sweden. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 37
Lindqvist A, Renström EA, Sendén MG. (2019) Reducing a Male Bias in Language? Establishing the Efficiency of Three Different Gender-Fair Language Strategies Sex Roles. 81: 109-117
Lindqvist A, Björklund F, Bäckström M. (2017) The perception of the poor: Capturing stereotype content with different measures Nordic Psychology. 69: 231-247
Gustafsson Sendén M, Bäck EA, Lindqvist A. (2015) Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in a natural gender language: the influence of time on attitudes and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 893
Lindqvist A. (2013) Gender Categorization of Perfumes: The Difference between Odour Perception and Commercial Classification Nora: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 21: 218-231
Lindqvist A, Höglund A, Berglund B. (2012) The role of odour quality in the perception of binary and higher-order mixtures. Perception. 41: 1373-91
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