Dominique M. Higgins

Medical Scientist Training Program College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic 
Cancer, Brain tumor biology, Cancer stem cells
"Dominique Higgins"
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John Richard Henley grad student 2013 College of Medicine - Mayo Clinic
 (Microenvironmental Regulation of Glioblastoma Stem Cells: A Novel Role for Sempahorin3A.)
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Higgins DM, Wang R, Milligan B, et al. (2013) Brain tumor stem cell multipotency correlates with nanog expression and extent of passaging in human glioblastoma xenografts. Oncotarget. 4: 792-801
Brognaro E, Ghods A, Feinstein D, et al. (2012) LAB-TUMOR MODELS (IN VIVO/IN VITRO) Neuro-Oncology. 14: vi160-vi164
Bababeygy SR, Cheshier SH, Hou LC, et al. (2008) Hematopoietic stem cell-derived pericytic cells in brain tumor angio-architecture. Stem Cells and Development. 17: 11-8
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