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David H. Gustafson, Ph.D.

Industrial and Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
"David Gustafson"

health services research; decision analysis; computer-based decision support systems; program evaluation; quality improvement technology

PhD 1966, industrial engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
MS 1963, industrial engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
BS 1962, industrial engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

2000 Awarded the Robert A. Ratner Professorship in Industrial Engineering
1999 Instructor of the Year Award--Industrial Engineering Student Awards

Mean distance: 21.77 (cluster 21)


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Walton M. Hancock grad student University of Michigan
 (On his committee)


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Patricia Flatley Brennan grad student UW Madison
Ann Schoofs Hundt grad student UW Madison
Neeraj K. Arora grad student 2000 UW Madison
John H. Mendenhall grad student 2000 UW Madison
Yu-Chin Cheng grad student 2001 UW Madison
James H. Ford grad student 2004 UW Madison
Todd D. Molfenter grad student 2004 UW Madison
Abhik Bhattacharya grad student 2006 UW Madison
Kuang-Yi Wen grad student 2006 UW Madison
Ming-Yuan Chih grad student 2013 UW Madison
BETA: Related publications


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Gustafson DH, Molfenter T, Kunes T, et al. (2024) Delivering MOUD to the Underserved: How Can Pharmacies Really Help? Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs
Yang EF, Kornfield R, Liu Y, et al. (2023) Using Machine Learning of Online Expression to Explain Recovery Trajectories: Content Analytic Approach to Studying a Substance Use Disorder Forum. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25: e45589
Fleddermann K, Molfenter T, Vjorn O, et al. (2023) Patient Preferences for Mobile Health Applications to Support Recovery. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 17: 394-400
Fleddermann K, Molfenter T, Vjorn O, et al. (2023) Patient Preferences for Mobile Health Applications to Support Recovery. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 17: 394-400
Fleddermann K, Molfenter T, Vjorn O, et al. (2023) Patient Preferences for Mobile Health Applications to Support Recovery. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 17: 394-400
Gustafson D, Horst J, Boss D, et al. (2022) Implementation of Smartphone Systems to Improve Quality of Life for People With Substance Use Disorder: Interim Report on a Randomized Controlled Trial. Jmir Human Factors. 9: e35125
Kisicki A, Becker S, Chaple M, et al. (2022) Behavioral healthcare organizations' experiences related to use of telehealth as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study. Bmc Health Services Research. 22: 775
Park LS, Chih MY, Stephenson C, et al. (2022) Testing an mHealth System for Individuals With Mild to Moderate Alcohol Use Disorders: Protocol for a Type 1 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial. Jmir Research Protocols. 11: e31109
Fleddermann K, Molfenter T, Jacobson N, et al. (2021) Clinician Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing e-Health Technology in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Facilities. Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment. 15: 11782218211053360
White VM, Molfenter T, Gustafson DH, et al. (2020) NIATx-TI versus typical product training on e-health technology implementation: a clustered randomized controlled trial study protocol. Implementation Science : Is. 15: 94
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