Alessandro Moscatelli

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Roma, Lazio, Italy 
"Alessandro Moscatelli"
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Marucci M, Maddaluno O, Ryan CP, et al. (2024) Rewiring the evolution of the human hand: How the embodiment of a virtual bionic tool improves behavior. Iscience. 27: 109937
Ryan CP, Ciotti S, Balestrucci P, et al. (2024) The relativity of reaching: Motion of the touched surface alters the trajectory of hand movements. Iscience. 27: 109871
Seminara L, Dosen S, Mastrogiovanni F, et al. (2023) A hierarchical sensorimotor control framework for human-in-the-loop robotic hands. Science Robotics. 8: eadd5434
Fani S, Ciotti S, Pagnanelli G, et al. (2023) Modulating the Perceived Softness of Real Objects Through Wearable Feel-Through Haptics. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Pra Y, Catrambone V, van Wassenhove V, et al. (2023) Altering Time Perception in Virtual Reality through Multimodal Visual-tactile Kappa Effect. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Mezzetti M, Ryan CP, Balestrucci P, et al. (2023) Bayesian hierarchical models and prior elicitation for fitting psychometric functions. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 17: 1108311
Ryan CP, Ciotti S, Cosentino L, et al. (2022) Masking Vibrations and Contact Force Affect the Discrimination of Slip Motion Speed In Touch. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
Ryan CP, Bettelani GC, Ciotti S, et al. (2021) The Interaction between Motion and Texture in the Sense of Touch. Journal of Neurophysiology
Scotto CR, Moscatelli A, Pfeiffer T, et al. (2021) Visual pursuit biases tactile velocity perception. Journal of Neurophysiology
Ciotti S, Ryan CP, Bianchi M, et al. (2021) A Novel Device Decoupling Tactile Slip and Hand Motion in Reaching Tasks: The HaptiTrack Device. Ieee Transactions On Haptics
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