Kimberly A. Cote

Psychology Brock University, Saint Catharines, Ontario, Canada 
"Kimberly Cote"
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Robert D. Ogilvie grad student Brock University
 (Honours Thesis Supervisor & Mentor)
Harvey Moldofsky grad student 1995 University of Toronto
Kenneth Campbell grad student 1999 University of Ottawa
Alexander Borbély post-doc 2000 Universität Zürich
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Guardia T, Cote KA, Healey MK, et al. (2024) Self-reported physical activity and sleep quality is associated with working memory function in middle-aged and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-20
Speth T, Rusak B, Perrot T, et al. (2023) Sleep Architecture and EEG Power Spectrum Following Cumulative Sleep Restriction: A Comparison between Typically Developing Children and Children with ADHD. Brain Sciences. 13
Lustig KA, Cote KA, Willoughby T. (2021) The role of pubertal status and sleep satisfaction in emotion reactivity and regulation in children and adolescents. Sleep Advances : a Journal of the Sleep Research Society. 2: zpab003
Bastien CH, Cote KA. (2021) Insomnia: A magnifying glass to measure hyperarousal in REM. Sleep
MacDonald KJ, Cote KA. (2021) Contributions of post-learning REM and NREM sleep to memory retrieval. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 59: 101453
Howlett RDM, Lustig KA, MacDonald KJ, et al. (2020) Hyperarousal Is Associated with Socioemotional Processing in Individuals with Insomnia Symptoms and Good Sleepers. Brain Sciences. 10
Stoakley EM, Mathewson KJ, Schmidt LA, et al. (2019) Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia During Sleep and Waking Journal of Psychophysiology. 33: 1-12
Lustig KA, Stoakley EM, MacDonald KJ, et al. (2018) Sex hormones play a role in vulnerability to sleep loss on emotion processing tasks. Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. 5: 94-104
MacDonald KJ, Lustig KA, Geniole SN, et al. (2018) Sleep restriction alters reactive aggressive behavior and its relationship with sex hormones. Aggressive Behavior
Miskovic V, MacDonald KJ, Rhodes LJ, et al. (2018) Changes in EEG multiscale entropy and power-law frequency scaling during the human sleep cycle. Human Brain Mapping
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