Bert Reynvoet
Affiliations: | Psychology | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) |
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Lachelin R, Marinova M, Reynvoet B, et al. (2023) Weaker semantic priming effects with number words in the second language of math learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Krajcsi A, Reynvoet B. (2023) Miscategorized subset-knowers: Five- and six-knowers can compare only the numbers they know. Developmental Science. e13430 |
Xenidou-Dervou I, van Atteveldt N, Surducan IM, et al. (2023) Multiple number-naming associations: How the inversion property affects adults' two-digit number processing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218231181367 |
Meijer AM, Aben B, Reynvoet B, et al. (2021) Reactive and proactive cognitive control as underlying processes of number processing in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 215: 105319 |
Vos H, Gevers W, Reynvoet B, et al. (2021) EXPRESS: Ordinality: The importance of its trial list composition and examining its relation with adults' arithmetic and mathematical reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218211016794 |
Mutaf-Yıldız B, Sasanguie D, De Smedt B, et al. (2020) Probing the Relationship Between Home Numeracy and Children's Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 2074 |
Marinova M, Sasanguie D, Reynvoet B. (2020) Numerals do not need numerosities: robust evidence for distinct numerical representations for symbolic and non-symbolic numbers. Psychological Research |
Marinova M, Reynvoet B. (2020) Can you trust your number sense: Distinct processing of numbers and quantities in elementary school children Journal of Numerical Cognition. 6: 304-321 |
Reynvoet B, Vos H, Henik A. (2018) Comparative Judgment of Familiar Objects Is Modulated by Their Size. Experimental Psychology. 65: 353-359 |
Marinova M, Sasanguie D, Reynvoet B. (2018) Symbolic estrangement or symbolic integration of numerals with quantities: Methodological pitfalls and a possible solution. Plos One. 13: e0200808 |