Simon Rushton

Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom 
"Simon Rushton"
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Crowe EM, Bossard M, Karimpur H, et al. (2021) Further Evidence That People Rely on Egocentric Information to Guide a Cursor to a Visible Target. Perception. 3010066211048758
Evans L, Champion RA, Rushton SK, et al. (2020) Detection of scene-relative object movement and optic flow parsing across the adult lifespan. Journal of Vision. 20: 12
Fereday R, Buehner MJ, Rushton SK. (2019) The role of time perception in temporal binding: Impaired temporal resolution in causal sequences. Cognition. 193: 104005
de la Malla C, Rushton S, Clark K, et al. (2019) The predictability of a target's motion influences gaze, head and hand movements when trying to intercept it. Journal of Neurophysiology
Dunn MJ, Rushton SK. (2018) Lateral visual occlusion does not change walking trajectories. Journal of Vision. 18: 11
Rushton SK, Chen R, Li L. (2018) Ability to identify scene-relative object movement is not limited by, or yoked to, ability to perceive heading. Journal of Vision. 18: 11
Rushton SK, Niehorster DC, Warren PA, et al. (2017) The primary role of flow processing in the identification of scene-relative object movement. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Rogers C, Rushton SK, Warren PA. (2017) Peripheral Visual Cues Contribute to the Perception of Object Movement During Self-Movement. I-Perception. 8: 2041669517736072
Clark K, Rushton S. (2017) The role of motion parallax in the perception of egocentric direction Journal of Vision. 17: 985
Li L, Rushton S, Chen R, et al. (2015) The surprising utility of target drift in natural heading judgements. Journal of Vision. 15: 410
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