Trevor B. Penney, Ph.D.

Psychology National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 
"Trevor Penney"
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Warren H. Meck grad student Columbia
Mark Holder grad student 1990-1992 MUN
John Gibbon grad student 1992-1997 Columbia
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Schirmer A, Wijaya M, Wu E, et al. (2019) Vocal Threat Enhances Visual Perception as a Function of Attention and Sex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Ananyev E, Penney TB, Hsieh PB. (2017) Separate requirements for detection and perceptual stability of motion in interocular suppression. Scientific Reports. 7: 7230
Mehta K, Hasnain A, Zhou X, et al. (2017) Spread spectrum time-resolved diffuse optical measurement system for enhanced sensitivity in detecting human brain activity. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 22: 45005
Schirmer A, Meck WH, Penney TB. (2016) The Socio-Temporal Brain: Connecting People in Time. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Allman MJ, Penney TB, Meck WH. (2016) A Brief History of “The Psychology of Time Perception” Timing & Time Perception. 4: 299-314
Penney TB, Cheng X, Leow YL, et al. (2016) Saccades and Subjective Time in Seconds Range Duration Reproduction Timing & Time Perception. 4: 187-206
Kononowicz TW, Penney TB. (2016) The contingent negative variation (CNV): timing isn’t everything Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 8: 231-237
Schirmer A, Escoffier N, Cheng X, et al. (2015) Detecting Temporal Change in Dynamic Sounds: On the Role of Stimulus Duration, Speed, and Emotion. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 2055
Herbst SK, Chaumon M, Penney TB, et al. (2015) Flicker-Induced Time Dilation Does Not Modulate EEG Correlates of Temporal Encoding. Brain Topography. 28: 559-69
Ng KK, Penney TB. (2014) Probing interval timing with scalp-recorded electroencephalography (EEG). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 829: 187-207
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