George Gordon Brown
Affiliations: | 1999 | Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States |
Ecology, Evolution and Organismal BiologyGoogle:
"George Gordon Brown" "Iowa State"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorCharles Baker Metz | grad student | 1966 | University of Miami (FlyTree) | |
(Ultrastructural studies on crustacean spermatozoa and fertilization.) |
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Brown GG, Mims SD. (1999) Cryopreservation of Paddlefish Polyodon spathula Milt Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 30: 245-249 |
Brown GG, Mims SD. (1995) Storage, Transportation, and Fertility of Undiluted and Diluted Paddlefish Milt The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 57: 64-69 |
Wilson EF, Brown GG, Drewes CD. (1992) Characterization of phosphorus metabolism during six stages of development in the earthworm Eisenia foetida using 31P-NMR Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part B: Biochemistry And. 102: 383-388 |
Robitaille PA, Robitaille PL, Brown GG. (1986) 31P-NMR studies of Limulus polyphemus: Spermatozoa at rest and after motility Journal of Experimental Zoology. 238: 89-98 |
Barnum SR, Clapper DL, Brown GG. (1985) Modifications of the fertilized egg surface following the cortical reaction in Limulus polyphemus L. as viewed with the scanning electron microscope. Journal of Morphology. 183: 185-198 |
Behlmer SD, Brown G. (1984) Viability of cryopreserved spermatozoa of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus L. International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 7: 193-199 |
Barnum SR, Brown GG. (1983) Effect of lectins and sugars on primary sperm attachment in the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus L. Developmental Biology. 95: 352-9 |
Brown GG, Clapper DL. (1980) Cortical reaction in inseminated eggs of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus L. Developmental Biology. 76: 410-7 |
Bannon GA, Brown GG. (1980) Vesicle involvement in the egg cortical reaction of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus L. Developmental Biology. 76: 418-27 |
Clapper DL, Brown GG. (1980) Sperm motility in the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus L. I. Sperm behavior near eggs and motility initiation by egg extracts. Developmental Biology. 76: 341-9 |