Oscar H Bustos

"Oscar Bustos"
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Britos GM, Ojeda SM, Astrain LAR, et al. (2020) Asymptotic properties of BMM-estimator in bidimensional autoregressive processes Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 209: 208-228
Ojeda S, Vallejos R, Bustos O. (2010) A new image segmentation algorithm with applications to image inpainting Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 54: 2082-2093
Bustos O, Ojeda S, Vallejos R. (2009) Spatial ARMA models and its applications to image filtering Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. 23: 141-165
Bustos OH, Flesia AG, Frery AC, et al. (2009) Simulation of Spatially Correlated Clutter Fields Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 38: 2134-2151
Frery AC, Ferrero S, Bustos OH. (2009) The influence of training errors, context and number of bands in the accuracy of image classification Journal of Remote Sensing. 30: 1425-1440
Bustos OH, Ruiz M, Ojeda S, et al. (2009) Asymptotic behavior of RA-estimates in autoregressive 2D processes Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139: 3649-3664
Bustos OH, Frery AC. (2006) Statistical functions and procedures in IDL 5.6 and 6.0 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 50: 301-310
Mejail ME, Jacobo-Berlles JC, Frery AC, et al. (2003) Classification of SAR images using a general and tractable multiplicative model International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24: 3565-3582
Bustos OH, Lucini MM, Frery AC. (2002) M-estimators of roughness and scale for G A 0 -modelled SAR imagery Eurasip Journal On Advances in Signal Processing. 2002: 105-114
Bustos OH, Flesia AG, Frery AC. (2001) Generalized method for sampling spatially correlated heterogeneous speckeled imagery Eurasip Journal On Advances in Signal Processing. 2001: 89-99
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