Jennifer M. Enright

2010-2015 Washington University Medical School 
"Jennifer Enright"
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Joseph C. Corbo grad student 2010-2015 Washington University
 (ophthalmology resident)
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Hassman LM, Paley MA, Esaulova E, et al. (2021) Clinicomolecular Identification of Conserved and Individualized Features of Granulomatous Uveitis. Ophthalmology Science. 1
Rajagopal R, Zhang S, Wei X, et al. (2018) Retinal de novo lipogenesis coordinates neurotrophic signaling to maintain vision. Jci Insight. 3
Morshedian A, Toomey MB, Pollock GE, et al. (2017) Cambrian origin of the CYP27C1-mediated vitamin A1-to-A2 switch, a key mechanism of vertebrate sensory plasticity. Royal Society Open Science. 4: 170362
Hughes AE, Enright JM, Myers CA, et al. (2017) Cell Type-Specific Epigenomic Analysis Reveals a Uniquely Closed Chromatin Architecture in Mouse Rod Photoreceptors. Scientific Reports. 7: 43184
Kramlinger VM, Nagy LD, Fujiwara R, et al. (2016) Human Cytochrome P450 27C1 Catalyzes 3,4-Desaturation of Retinoids. Febs Letters
Enright JM, Toomey MB, Sato SY, et al. (2015) Cyp27c1 Red-Shifts the Spectral Sensitivity of Photoreceptors by Converting Vitamin A1 into A2. Current Biology : Cb
Enright JM, Lawrence KA, Hadzic T, et al. (2015) Transcriptome profiling of developing photoreceptor subtypes reveals candidate genes involved in avian photoreceptor diversification. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 523: 649-68
Thummel R, Enright JM, Kassen SC, et al. (2010) Pax6a and Pax6b are required at different points in neuronal progenitor cell proliferation during zebrafish photoreceptor regeneration. Experimental Eye Research. 90: 572-82
Thummel R, Kassen SC, Enright JM, et al. (2008) Characterization of Müller glia and neuronal progenitors during adult zebrafish retinal regeneration. Experimental Eye Research. 87: 433-44
Thummel R, Kassen SC, Montgomery JE, et al. (2008) Inhibition of Müller glial cell division blocks regeneration of the light-damaged zebrafish retina. Developmental Neurobiology. 68: 392-408
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