Howard W. Johns

Westminster College 
"Howard Johns"
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Lee JR, Parker KE, Tapia M, et al. (2019) Voluntary wheel running effects on intra-accumbens opioid high-fat feeding and locomotor behavior in Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rat strains. Physiology & Behavior
Parker KE, McCabe MP, Johns HW, et al. (2015) Neural Activation Patterns Underlying Basolateral Amygdala Influence on Intra-Accumbens Opioid-Driven Consummatory Versus Appetitive High-Fat Feeding Behaviors in the Rat. Behavioral Neuroscience
Parker KE, Johns HW, Floros TG, et al. (2014) Central amygdala opioid transmission is necessary for increased high-fat intake following 24-h food deprivation, but not following intra-accumbens opioid administration. Behavioural Brain Research. 260: 131-8
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