Ann Shields

1992-1997 Psychology University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
"Ann Shields"
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Dante Cicchetti grad student 1992-1997 Rochester


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Erika S. Lunkenheimer grad student (PsychTree)
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Lunkenheimer ES, Hollenstein T, Wang J, et al. (2012) Flexibility and attractors in context: family emotion socialization patterns and children's emotion regulation in late childhood. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 16: 269-91
Miller AL, Fine SE, Gouley KK, et al. (2006) Showing and telling about emotions: Interrelations between facets of emotional competence and associations with classroom adjustment in Head Start preschoolers Cognition and Emotion. 20: 1170-1192
Zakriski AL, Wheeler E, Burda J, et al. (2005) Justifiable Psychopharmacology or Overzealous Prescription? Examining Parental Reports of Lifetime Prescription Histories of Psychiatrically Hospitalised Children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 10: 16-22
Miller AL, Kiely Gouley K, Seifer R, et al. (2004) Emotions and Behaviors in the Head Start Classroom: Associations Among Observed Dysregulation, Social Competence, and Preschool Adjustment Early Education & Development. 15: 147-166
Miller AL, Gouley KK, Shields A, et al. (2003) Brief Functional Screening for Transition Difficulties Prior to Enrolment Predicts Socio-Emotional Competence and School Adjustment in Head Start Preschoolers Early Child Development and Care. 173: 681-698
Shields A, Cicchetti D. (2001) Parental maltreatment and emotion dysregulation as risk factors for bullying and victimization in middle childhood. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 30: 349-63
Shields A, Ryan RM, Cicchetti D. (2001) Narrative representations of caregivers and emotion dysregulation as predictors of maltreated children's rejection by peers. Developmental Psychology. 37: 321-37
Shields A, Dickstein S, Seifer R, et al. (2001) Emotional Competence and Early School Adjustment: A Study of Preschoolers at Risk Early Education & Development. 12: 73-96
Shields A, Cicchetti D. (1998) Reactive aggression among maltreated children: the contributions of attention and emotion dysregulation. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 27: 381-95
Shields A, Cicchetti D. (1997) Emotion regulation among school-age children: the development and validation of a new criterion Q-sort scale. Developmental Psychology. 33: 906-16
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