Emma Holmes

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
Auditory perception, attention, cognitive neuroscience
"Emma Holmes"
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Caso A, Griffiths TD, Holmes E. (2024) Spatial selective auditory attention is preserved in older age but is degraded by peripheral hearing loss. Scientific Reports. 14: 26243
Murphy E, Holmes E, Friston K. (2024) Natural language syntax complies with the free-energy principle. Synthese. 203: 154
Parr T, Holmes E, Friston KJ, et al. (2023) Cognitive effort and active inference. Neuropsychologia. 184: 108562
Holmes E, Johnsrude IS. (2023) Intelligibility benefit for familiar voices is not accompanied by better discrimination of fundamental frequency or vocal tract length. Hearing Research. 429: 108704
Holmes E, Kinghorn EE, McGarry LM, et al. (2022) Pitch discrimination is better for synthetic timbre than natural musical instrument timbres despite familiarity. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 152: 31
Holmes E, Parr T, Griffiths TD, et al. (2021) Active inference, selective attention, and the cocktail party problem. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 131: 1288-1304
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, et al. (2021) Musicianship and melodic predictability enhance neural gain in auditory cortex during pitch deviance detection. Human Brain Mapping
Holmes E, To G, Johnsrude IS. (2021) How Long Does It Take for a Voice to Become Familiar? Speech Intelligibility and Voice Recognition Are Differentially Sensitive to Voice Training. Psychological Science. 956797621991137
Holmes E, Johnsrude IS. (2021) Speech-evoked brain activity is more robust to competing speech when it is spoken by someone familiar. Neuroimage. 237: 118107
Sajid N, Holmes E, Hope TM, et al. (2021) Simulating lesion-dependent functional recovery mechanisms. Scientific Reports. 11: 7475
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